How Semantic Relevance Adds to Your Business Presence
Semantic relevance comprises your entire presence on the web. Your Google+ page, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest boards, etc. and
all the people who engage with you make up your relevance on the web.
Content, media, marketing, engagement are all part of your semantic (what the search engine notices about you) presence.
You want everything you do online related to your business to send out a consistent message.
If you outsource various parts of your business such as
- content creation
- marketing
- social media
- graphic design
- and anyone else involved in your online presence
they all need to be clear on the business message and your online persona so that a consistent message goes out not only to your clients and customers but to the search engines as well.
You send out signals about the type of business you run.
Ben Fisher of Steady Demand in an article on using Google+ for business summed it up:
In marketing, we call this “top of mind awareness”, which is essentially being extended into your online presence by teaching search engines like Google who you are and what you are about, all by the type of content and relationships you interact with. The good news is, this is a lot like real life networking, and online, you can only get this from Google Plus.
If you have a dog training business in San Francisco, your website tells everyone that you offer dog training in San Francisco. Your YouTube videos offer dog training advice and a link to your business page. Your Google+ posts and your social media all tell people about your dog training in San Francisco. On Google+ you engage with other dog trainers and potential clients who all become aware that you offer dog training in San Francisco.
When the search engines go out searching the content they find about your business all fit together to enlarge your presence by connecting all of the places your dog training in San Francisco is mentioned.
Obviously, the more you have out there and the more you engage with other people, the more the search engine will know about you.
You and your business become more relevant. That semantic relevance means more exposure for your business.
What Guy Kawasaki can teach you about posting.
Mr. Jingles offers more than we want to know. Want more engagement on Google+? Edit your posts to engage immediately. Tell someone right away why they should read more.
Shared: His post is not a draw. It tells your Google+ followers you didn't even bother to write something about your post. If you don't care why should someone click to find out more?
On the other hand, skip the preamble like: I've always loved this concept. I wrote a post two weeks ago about it while I was on vacation... You're going to get the same results. What concept? What is it? What post? Where is it? And, gosh darn it, what is the picture or post you are showing right here and now?
And don't forget about half of that preamble is going to show up in notifications so it will read something like this: I've always loved this concept. I wr...
Here's how Guy Kawasaki nailed an intro for the notification stream.
It's all you need in your first two lines...
What is this about? Audi took back the A3 today.
How I feel. I'm officially bummed.
In essence you want a quick teaser to show up in notifications.
Your longer thoughts and hashtags can show up under those first two teaser lines.
When you start to create that short teaser for notifications you'll see your engagement improve.
What it is gets people to click.
How I feel gets people to engage.
Start practicing teasers for the notification stream.
Infographic for A Quick Review of What Google Search Sees
by Zara Altair
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