Low and Slow. Way to Go.

Watched a very informative Hangout on Air Understanding SEO for Relationship Marketing. Wade Harman and Joshua Berg hold a lively discussion about how to incorporate SEO into your content. Basically it's content first. SEO second.  Well...almost. As Wade says...

The search engine ain't gonna click the Buy Now button. 

That's why when you are writing content you write to a person... the one who relates to what you say. That's the focus of relationship marketing and attraction marketing. It's simple. Write to your reader first. Then choose your keywords from what you have written. I know there are a lot of gurus who tell you pick the low hanging fruit keywords, use keyword tools, etc.

The tools are a disconnect between you and your reader!

Tell it from your heart. Then choose keywords from what you have just said. If you are just thinking about keywords...

You are not thinking about your reader.

Writing for your reader first actually improves your chances of having keywords that aren't used by everybody else. You naturally choose the words that get you ranked...for those words.

Remember the most popular kids in High School?

Where are they now? Even in my 90% college prep high school, most of those popular kids peaked at age 19.

You can shoot for page rank...


you can slowly and steadily build a following of the people that like you.

People buy from people. They buy from you because...well...they like you.

What you say resonates with where they are. You'll have a better shot at gathering the customers and clients you want by being yourself and talking to them as people when you create content.

If you've been creating content based on keywords and you are not getting the results you want...

Forget teachy-preachy and keyword laden content...

try switching around and writing to one individual... the one who needs your product or service.

Adjust for patience and get ready to respond to the people who like what you write.


Here's the Hangout in full if you want to go deeper.     By Zara Altair

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