The Answer in the Question — Zara Altair

The Answer in the Question

Customer Questions and Content

People are using voice search more. Your business will benefit by developing a content strategy that helps voice users find your products or services. Search engines like Google are personalizing search results based on user past search history and location.


Voice search is becoming so popular that Google developed a Chrome extension to add voice search to computers called Voice Search.  So, now users can search as though they were on a mobile device or speaking to a voice device.


Use the new search responses to refine content on your website to respond to individual queries. Start thinking in questions—the questions customers ask you about your business. Create new content and revise old content to focus on answering questions.


In a recent presentation on SEMrush about voice search, Kevin Gibbons of reSignal advised


The SEO role is to be the best answer, irrespective of the device



How to Find the Right Questions

You need to take a step back from thinking about how great your business is to look at the other side of who visits your website and ultimately, your business. On that other side are people. People asking search questions.


To create the right answers, you need to pay attention to the people who are customers and especially to people who are potential customers. Pay attention to the questions they ask when they are in discovery about your business.


Collect the questions your customers ask. Use them as the basis for new content. If you have a sales team, ask them what questions they answer often.


Add more questions by searching on Answer The Public. You’ll discover keywords and phrases people use when performing searches about your topic.  


How to Use Answers in Content

Once you have your questions and are ready to answer them, you can direct search engines to your answers with a few tweaks.


  • Create titles that are questions rather than statements. For instance, instead of how to use how does?

  • Create subheads that are questions. Lead search engines directly to the specific answer.

  • Create a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Make sure the questions are those customers ask, not the questions you wish they would ask. Write answers that are on point and specific.

  • Explore creating a chatbot that answers basic questions.


The more you focus on specific answers, you’ll make it easier for search engines to deliver your answers to the right people.


Create an Answer Mindset

Making the shift from presenting information about your business to answering questions depends on your focus. As you focus on answering a specific question, you’ll build a database of answers specific to your business.  Keep thinking What do my customers want to know?


You’ll work with the key features and benefits of your product or service, but each topic will answer a question. With voice search predicted to be 50% of all searches in 2020 you’ll be prepared to supply just the answer to the question your potential customer asks.

Zara Altair



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