How Clear Is Your Message?

Relational Search Enhancement

Talk Answers

Key concepts are the new keywords when constructing your online content. In some ways they are easier to use because the key concepts are presented in natural language.

Help your site visitors and search by structuring your content to provide a better user experience.The more organized your content the better able your visitor will understand what you have to say. And, what you have to say is most helpful when you address customer concerns and questions about your business,your product, or service.

Plan, Then Write

Center your planning time around the flow of your information rather than which keywords you use. Speak as though the site visitor were in front of you and you are answering his questions. Organize your thoughts around bits of information so that the words you use are related to the answer you provide. As you structure your content you provide two positive results:

• Clear answers explaining your business, service, or product to a site visitor.

• Thought groups of related words and concepts clustered around one information bit for search.

Semantic search basically reads your content by determining the relationship of words and concepts in your text.

User Experience & Semantic Search

User experience and semantic search go hand in hand on your website. The bits of information that build up your concepts are interconnected through your natural language. The better you establish a relationship with your site visitor, the more “sense” your content makes to search engines.

In his thinking about RankBrain, Tihomir Petrov says:

If we want to provide better user experience we have to start thinking more about areas such as concept matching, entity relationship, semantic search and web, etc.

To help you understand what goes on behind the scenes, take a brief look at what the concepts are.

Concept Matching

Determines the semantic relations by analyzing the concept meaning (not the labels, i.e. Keywords).

In addition, concept matching, looks at structures containing sets of terms with synonymous meanings. That is why when you talk in natural language you will automatically use different but related words (synonyms) in relation to your subject. For the business owner, the subject will revolve around your business, your service, or product.

If you are interested in the data behind concept matching take a deep dive into

Semantic Matching: Algorithms and Implementation by Fausto Giunchiglia, Mikalai Yatskevich, Pavel Shvaiko

Entity Relationship

An entity is a thing. In programming, engineering, an entity identifies a unit, whether concrete things or abstract ideas, and is used to organize data that can be represented by a relational structure. Search engines look for entities, which are objects or concepts that can have data stored about them and the relationship between those entities.

Entity relationship also incorporates the cardinality, which defines that relationship in terms of numbers, which you can trust will happen when you have structured your thoughts.

For a deeper explanation see Tech Target.

Semantic Search

Semantic search seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding searcher intent and the contextual meaning of terms as they appear in the searchable dataspace, whether on the Web or within a closed system, to generate more relevant results. Semantic search — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your goal is to have your content connected but not compartmentalised. The aim is to give your visitors a fluid experience. Your content is filtered by search with three main priorities.

• Expertise • Authority • Trustworthiness

For more on how to put the E-A-T filter to work for you see How To Be Semantically Smart at my website

Relational Search Enhancement

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"][clickToTweet tweet="Speak in your natural language in terms your site visitor understands." quote="Speak in your natural language in terms your site visitor understands."] Talking to the visitor as a person is instrumental in connecting. You establish a relationship of connectivity which familiarizes him or her with your business.

The more you answer questions the visitor may have, rather than talk about yourself, the deeper that connection. The visitor feels as though you are talking to him.

The more clearly organized your information, the easier it is for search to understand the context of your content.

The best approach to interconnect both your site visitor and search is to speak plainly.


Originally posted on Medium Relational Search Enhancement

Zara Altair[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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