Face Fear - Memetics and Your Persona

 Sep 10, 12:00 PM - 12:40 PM

Fear holds us back from reaching our potential.

In business we often let fear keep us from doing even the simplest next step. Visionary thinker+Grizwald Grim  talks the memetics of facing fear, archetypes, and gaming your business. The mind seeds we plant, the memes, in our brain can redirect our thoughts and actions. We use various archetypes as we present ourselves in our business persona. Rethink yourself for your business.

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About Griz:

Tagline Quite possibly a visionary Introduction I see things in ways most people seem not to, and marvel at the how everything is connected.

I'm interested in social reform and breaking down the barriers that seem to be holding our species back from its potential.

My favoritest Youtube Videos: http://goo.gl/4UEo5 A limited selection of my musical tastes: http://goo.gl/V5jnP A playlist if you're open to challenging commonly held beliefs:http://goo.gl/eMWlR What I'm most proud of having written: http://goo.gl/Qm5S9

Here's more about my life than you probably want to know: https://plus.google.com/u/0/116135963476096063106/posts/PddVQHJWCT9 Bragging rights I'm still alive.

Host +Zara Altair  created *The Midweek Zap*to help you develop an online strategy that works for you and your business. You are here! Go to Actation Now! website to view all original events plus articles to help you create and sustain your web presence.

For more about Zara and YOU Plus training visit actationnow.com. Catch past Midweek Zap shows: http://goo.gl/IgYCRK

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