Your Consulting Attitude
Once your customer connects with you through social media or your web page, it's time to speak with them directly. Your professional attitude as a consultant can make or break a relationship either at the beginning or in your ongoing customer retention.
Oleg Moskalensky and I hosted a Hangout event on Google+ to discuss some of the issues and the delicate balance between you, your expertise, your attitude and your customer.
Oleg's takeaways:
I guess the final takeaway from all of this for business owners is the following:
1. Find the time to investigate people you're considering hiring as consultants 2. Not only look at their credentials, experience and references, but also at their attitude, see how well they play with others and try to play with them to see how much you gel 3. If both the savvy part and the attitude is acceptable - then, and only then, hire them 4. Once they're hired - let them do their job. Work with them, but don't micromanage. After all - if you know everything and have all the answers - why bother hiring them? 5. Don't get sidetracked by looking at other consultants - you'll only waste your precious time. There will always be someone better, someone cheaper, someone <you fill in the blank>. As long as you're comfortable working with your chosen consultants and you're happy with their performance - stick with them. If you aren't happy - by all means leave them and find someone you would be happy with.
Leave your feedback in the comments. I'd love to hear your thoughts and any tips you have about attitude in consulting.
Zara Altair